Making the clinker facades of the Ogrodowa Office building was a quick topic for us realized when our tiling team was in Lodz.
The contracting industry will never cease to surprise me, whenever we enter an investment we try to have everything caught up. We make sure that the work fronts, i.e. our wall planes for work, are ready, the material in the right quantity is contracted, and our people and facilities are ready. This is how it should look from the point of view of a well-prepared investment. Meanwhile, what we encounter with our work makes me start to fear for the future of the construction industry. Weak teams, screw-ups with deadlines, lack of fronts to conduct work, logistical problems, in a word, everything that can go wrong on a construction site. As a rule, all it takes is for just one piece of the puzzle to go wrong and all contractors begin to feel the pressure of millions in penalties. And the termination date is a sacred thing. It is known…

Simple clinker surfaces preceded by an even band of windows Garden Office in full swing.
The Lodz adventure was such a small order for us in away mode, a quick topic for our team of tile workers, who just happened to be delayed in entering a large project. As usual, life made its presence known and one link in the Chain failed. Fortunately, the boat’s phone rang just in time. The general urgently needed a team of tile setters for the facades of a new hotel in the immediate vicinity of Lodz ‘s Manufaktura, and above all the icon of Lodz ‘s historic revitalization, the Andel’s Hotel. Completion deadlines for the
Legs Hotel
had to be met no matter what. The tile setters had done their job and were already about to return when another call came from Lodz, this time from a friendly manager from Unibep, they had a problem with the clinker facade contractor, he couldn’t cope with the deadlines, and on top of that the quality of the work fell far short of the investors’ expectations. What was to be done. Fortunately, we didn’t have time to terminate the accommodations for our tile makers, so at least there was no hassle with the accommodations.

The glass facades of the Garden Office needed a brick background that frames the mirrored planes and visually encloses their edges to create a street frontage.
The rule of thumb in the construction industry is that screwing up teams doesn’t get you wired; those who should know know who to work with and which teams to avoid. It is known. Interestingly, most orders come from those who should not be working on elevations, and they are the ones who hurt the industry the most, undercutting prices and screwing up deadlines to the limit. Fortunately for us, there are fewer and fewer such teams, and experience and a good reputation in the market allow the most reliable contractors to survive. In the meantime, it turned out that the topic we had been waiting for had taken off, and it is urgent to bring our tile makers to Warsaw. Unibep on one side, Warsaw on the other, fortunately, the Lodz subject was not big enough, the size of a sizable single-family house, so we agreed that the launch in Warsaw would be from next Monday. Fortunately, it was only Tuesday in Lodz so six days until the start in Warsaw. There was enough time to calmly tile and calmly grout the entire facade. And the weather seems to know that we have urgent deadlines and no time for rain….

A simple brick carriage weft worked perfectly on short sections of the flat walls of the Ogrodowa Office building.
Such projects are a fantastic break for us from the tedious daily work on elevations, from meetings, billing, hundreds of spreadsheet items and all the construction bureaucracy. Here there is only a tiler, an elevation and a deadline “for yesterday.” The best thing about all this is that the elevations that our predecessor abandoned were somehow not particularly complicated and required unknown skills. All it took was a scribe cord, a leveler and everything was straightened out without any trouble. Unfortunately, the general did not agree to demolish the tile from the upper two floors, so we do not admit this part of the facade. For that below the whole thing is made to our responsibility and for this part we give full warranty. And the whole thing can be watched quietly at the Western right next to the intersection with Ogrodowa.
by Adam Poojewski